
How Long Does It Take To Receive My Order?

Delivery times vary based on the service, but we prioritize efficient turnarounds without compromising on quality.

The delivery timeframe at 4Startups.design needed for you to receive your order depends on the specific asset design chosen. Each of our assets has a different delivery time expectation. You can expect a 3-7 business days average delivery though.

For instance, you can expect a three-to-four business days delivery post-order placement on our One Pagers. Decks and social media assets, on the other hand, have a 7-day delivery expectative.

Our commitment is to provide startups with impeccable designs in the shortest time possible, without compromising quality on the process.

Read more about the tips and guidelines we implement in all of our designs, including yours ๐Ÿ˜‰

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4startups.design has a simple 3-step order process: choose the assets you need, we design them, and deliver them to you. We understand that time is money, so we'll get started on your order as soon as we receive it. And we'll keep you updated on your order's progress every step of the way.
4startup.design is a professional design agency that helps startups create visually stunning and persuasive presentations that will impress investors and get them the funding they need.